Self-Efficacy Among Palestinian Doctors Working in the Palestinian Hospitals at the End of COVID-19 Pandemic


  • Sahar Murshid Khayyat Arab American University



Self-efficacy, COVID-19 pandemic


The study aims to examine the reality of self-efficacy among doctors working in the Palestinian hospitals in the West Bank at the end of COVID-19 pandemic. It also aims to explore the differences in the study sample members’ means of estimations of self-efficacy level at the end COVID-19 pandemic in light of different variables such as per gender and years of experience. The study uses the descriptive approach by applying the study tool of self-efficacy scale among doctors working in the Palestinian Hospitals in the West Bank on an available sample of 1000 male and female doctors. The study has reached to several findings including that the arithmetic mean of the estimations of the study sample on the overall self-efficacy scale was 2.06 with a low level of self-efficacy. However, the arithmetic means of the study sample members’ responses to self-efficacy scale paragraphs ranged between 2.12 - 2.04. The study results also show that there are no differences in self-efficacy among Palestinian doctors working in the Palestinian hospitals in the West Bank at the end of COVID-19 pandemic to be attributed to variables such as gender and years of experience. In light of these findings, the researcher recommends that the officials at the Palestinian Ministry of Health should investigate the reasons for the low levels of self-efficacy among doctors, and it is also necessary to provide psychological counselling for doctors and improve the conditions of Palestinian doctors by granting them privileges and financial incentives within a reasonable framework at the Palestinian Ministry of Health and also at various community institutions.

Author Biography

Sahar Murshid Khayyat, Arab American University



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How to Cite

Khayyat, S. M. (2023). Self-Efficacy Among Palestinian Doctors Working in the Palestinian Hospitals at the End of COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 14(43).

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