The predicative ability of career indecision for career future anxiety among secondary school students
Career indecision, Career future anxiety, Secondary school studentsAbstract
Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the predicative ability of career indecision for career future anxiety. It also aimed to identify the level of career indecision and career future anxiety and identify whether there are statistically significant differences in the level of career indecision and career future anxiety due to gender.
Methods: The present study used the career indecision scale, and career future anxiety scale. The sample of the study consisted of 724 secondary school students.
Results: The results of the study revealed moderate levels of career indecision and career future anxiety. It also showed there were no statistically significant differences in the level of career indecision and its subscales which included neuroticism/negative affectivity, commitment anxiety, lack readiness, and interpersonal conflict due to gender. Moreover, the results showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the level of career future anxiety and its subscale career choice anxiety due to gender, while there were statistically significant differences in the level of family influence anxiety due to gender, the level of family influence anxiety among female was higher than female. Finally, the results showed that there is a predictive ability of career indecision by 28.9% of the total variance in career future anxiety.
Conclusions: The study recommended that there is a need to provide vocational awareness to secondary school students at the Ministry of Education about professions and the labor market in order to reduce their future anxiety and vocational hesitation.
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