The extent of mathematics teachers’ readiness in Qasaba Irbid District to apply the blended learning method


  • Ekhlas Youssef Suleiman Al-Momani Ministry of Education



Willingness, blended learning, math teachers, Irbid district


Objectives: The study aimed to identify the extent of readiness of mathematics teachers in Qasaba Irbid District to apply the blended learning method.

Methods: The study adopted the descriptive approach. The study sample consisted of 220 male and female teachers who were selected in a simple random way. To achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was prepared and applied to the study sample after its validity and reliability were verified.

Results: The results of the study showed that the extent of the readiness of mathematics teachers in Qasaba Irbid District to apply the blended learning method was high. The results concluded that there were no statistically significant differences in the extent of the readiness of mathematics teachers in Qasaba Irbid District to apply the blended education method due to the variables of  gender, academic qualification and  years of experience.

Conclusions:  The study recommended - the need to continue encouraging teachers to use blended learning in teaching mathematics in particular, and other subjects in general.

Author Biography

Ekhlas Youssef Suleiman Al-Momani, Ministry of Education



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How to Cite

Al-Momani, E. Y. S. (2024). The extent of mathematics teachers’ readiness in Qasaba Irbid District to apply the blended learning method. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 15(44).

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