The Reality of the Extra-Curricular Ctivitiesof the Teachers of the Lower Basic Stage in the Schools of the Kasbah of Irbid


  • Fathi Abed ALRahman Hameed ALShorman Ministry Of Education



Extracurricular activities, teachers of the primary stage


Objectives: The study aimed to explore the reality of extra-curricular activities among primary school teachers in the city of Irbid from the perspective of the teachers themselves. It also aimed to investigate whether teachers' perspectives on the reality of classroom activities differ based on gender, academic qualifications, or years of experience.

Method: The descriptive method was used to ascertain the reality of implementing non-classroom activities among primary school teachers. The researcher developed a questionnaire as a tool for the study, which was administered on a sample of 230 male and female teachers selected through a convenient sampling method.

Results: The results of the study revealed that the reality of extra-curricular activities among primary school teachers in the city of Irbid was moderate. The results also indicated no statistically significant differences in the reality of non-classroom activities attributed to the variable of gender. However, there were statistically significant differences in the variable of academic qualifications, favoring those with a bachelor's degree. Additionally, the results showed differences in the variable of years of experience, favoring those with less than ten years of experience.

Conclusions: Based on the study's findings, the researcher recommends that the Ministry of Education considers the necessity of conducting training courses for teachers regarding how to effectively utilize non-classroom activities in their schools. Additionally, school principals should consider as well including extra-curricular activities in their teachers' plans.

Author Biography

Fathi Abed ALRahman Hameed ALShorman, Ministry Of Education

Educational Supervisor


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How to Cite

ALShorman, F. A. A. H. (2024). The Reality of the Extra-Curricular Ctivitiesof the Teachers of the Lower Basic Stage in the Schools of the Kasbah of Irbid. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 15(44).

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