Social Intelligence and its Relation with Quality of Life Among Kindergarten Teachers in the Palestinian Living Inside the Green Line


  • Sawsan Ali Abu Haq اسرائيل



Social intelligence, quality of life, kindergarten teachers


Objective: The current study aims to explore the relation between social intelligence and quality of life among a sample of kindergarten teachers in Rahat, Palestine, while also examining differences in both social intelligence and quality of life based on social status and age.

Methodology: The researcher utilizes a descriptive approach and a random sample of 116 teachers, employing the social intelligence scale by Ahmed Al-Zu'beiri (2013) and the Quality-of-Life Scale by Dr. Joltan Hajazi (2018).

Results: The result show high levels of social intelligence and quality of life among the sample. While scores were high in physical, social, professional, and public domains of quality of life, they were lower in the psychological domain. Additionally, no significant differences were found in social intelligence or quality of life based on social status or age.

Conclusion: The study concludes that there is no significant correlation between social intelligence levels and quality of life among kindergarten teachers in Rahat.

Author Biography

Sawsan Ali Abu Haq, اسرائيل

PhD student


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How to Cite

Abu Haq, S. A. (2024). Social Intelligence and its Relation with Quality of Life Among Kindergarten Teachers in the Palestinian Living Inside the Green Line. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 15(45).

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