The Challenges Facing the Discovery and Care for Gifted Students in the Negev Region From the Schoolteachers’ and Counselors’ Perspectives


  • Wafaa Sager Abu Ammar Hebron university
  • Nabil Jebreen Jondi Hebron university



Caring for the gifted, Negev area, school teachers, exploring giftedness


Objectives: This study aimed to explore the challenges facing the discovery and care for gifted students in the Negev region from school teachers’ perspectives.

Methods: the descriptive research method was used for this purpose. A simple random sample of 150 male and female school teachers and counselors in the Negev region was chosen to participate. The researchers built a questionnaire reveals the challenges facing the discovery and care of gifted students, and its psychometric properties were verified.

Results: The results revealed that the challenges were respectively: challenges related to school environment; challenges related to teaching strategies; challenges related to the teachers qualifications; and challenges related to systems and policies. It also found differences in the levels of challenges due to teachers qualifications, type of job, and gender, while there were no differences due to years of experience.

Conclusions: The study concluded with recommendations, such as the need to pay attention to the school environment and to link school curricula to the needs of gifted students.

Author Biographies

Wafaa Sager Abu Ammar, Hebron university

PhD student

Nabil Jebreen Jondi, Hebron university



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How to Cite

Abu Ammar, W. S., & Jondi, N. J. (2024). The Challenges Facing the Discovery and Care for Gifted Students in the Negev Region From the Schoolteachers’ and Counselors’ Perspectives. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 15(44).

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