The Role of Administrative Empowerment in Enhancing Administrative Innovation from the Perspective of School Principals in East Jerusalem


  • Walaa Ibrahem Attoun Arab American University



Administrative Empowerment, Administrative Creativity, Public Schools, East Jerusalem


Objectives: The study aimed to reveal the role of administrative empowerment in enhancing administrative creativity from school principals' viewpoints in East Jerusalem.

Methodology: Descriptive analytical method and the questionnaire was used. The study population consisted of all principals in public schools with (59). Electronic questionnaire was used, the response rate reached 85%, with (44) responses.

Results: The results showed that administrative empowerment domain had high scores for all items, with mean of 3.61 and weight of 72.15%. The field of administrative creativity received high scores for all items, with average of 3.57 and weight of 71.32%. There was a strong correlation of (.833) between administrative empowerment and creativity domains. The results showed no statistically significant differences in administrative empowerment, and statistically significant differences in administrative creativity according to academic qualification. There were statistically significant differences in administrative empowerment and creativity on years of service variable. The researcher recommended the necessity of working to empower principals administratively by providing all means of reinforcement and training courses aimed at enhancing administrative creativity.

Author Biography

Walaa Ibrahem Attoun, Arab American University

PhD student


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How to Cite

Attoun, W. I. (2024). The Role of Administrative Empowerment in Enhancing Administrative Innovation from the Perspective of School Principals in East Jerusalem. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 15(45).

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