The Concern of Violence and its Relationship of Learning Motivation Among Eleventh Grade Students in Nazareth and Galilee Region Among the Palestinian Inside the Green Line


  • Soraida Mansour Assad Arab American University



Violence anxiety, motivation to learn


Objectives: The study aimed to identify the level of violence anxiety and the level of learning motivation among eleventh grade students in Nazareth and Galilee region Among the Palestinian inside the Green Line.

Methods: The study sample consisted of (200) male and female students enrolled for the academic year 2021/2022, and they were selected in the available way. The Study has used the descriptive method. To achieve the goals of this study, two measuring scales were chosen, violence anxiety scale and the learning motivation scale.

Results: The study showed the following results: The school administration style is one of the factors to which school violence is attributed , as it came in the first order that the school’s neglect in punishing the violent student encourages the rest of the students to practice violent behaviour inside the school, and the classroom management of the teacher is one of the factors that School violence is attributed to her, as the teacher’s mockery of students came in the first place, and the style of parental treatment is one of the factors to which school violence is attributed, as it came in the first place, parenting that lacks warm feelings, and finally the student’s personality skills are one of the factors to which violence is attributed, where the irrational thinking has a negative correlation between violence anxiety and learning motivation.

Author Biography

Soraida Mansour Assad , Arab American University

PhD student


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How to Cite

Assad , S. M. (2024). The Concern of Violence and its Relationship of Learning Motivation Among Eleventh Grade Students in Nazareth and Galilee Region Among the Palestinian Inside the Green Line. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 15(45).

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