The Degree of Administrative Accountability Implementation Among Public School Principals in Yatta City from Teachers’ Perspective.


  • Jamal Mohammad Hassan Bhais Al-Quds Open University



Application level, administrative accountability, school principals


Objectives: This study aims to reveal the level of administrative responsibility of principals in the public schools in Yatta city from the perspective of teachers. The researcher employed a descriptive-analytical methodology.

Method: The study population comprised 1,786 teachers from Yatta's schools, with 752 male teachers and 1,034 female teachers. A questionnaire was distributed to a stratified sample of 100 selected teachers.

Results: The results indicated a high level of administrative responsibility for principals in government schools in Yatta from the teachers' perspective. Furthermore, the study found out no statistically significant differences in the sample's responses regarding the application of administrative responsibility due to variables of gender, specialization, educational qualification, and year of experience.

Recommendations: The researcher recommends deepening awareness about the importance of enhancing administrative responsibility practices. This includes disseminating and implementing guidelines for the quality and accountability unit in government schools, organizing training courses for managers in need of developing their administrative responsibilities, facilitating exchange visits between schools and community institutions, and holding teachers accountable for shortage in executing their assigned tasks to ensure the achievement of institutional goals.

Author Biography

Jamal Mohammad Hassan Bhais, Al-Quds Open University

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Bhais, J. M. H. (2024). The Degree of Administrative Accountability Implementation Among Public School Principals in Yatta City from Teachers’ Perspective. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 15(44).

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