The Reality of Practicing Strategic Vigilance Among Principals from the Point of View of Teachers and Secondary School Principals in Palestine


  • Lubna Musa Abu Sarhan Al-Quds University
  • Ratib Salama Al-Saud Jordan University



Reality of practice, vigilance, strategy, school principals, secondary schools, Palestine


Objectives: This study aimed to identify the reality of practicing strategic vigilance among principals from the point of view of teachers and secondary school principals in Palestine.

Methodology: The researchers followed the descriptive analytical approach to achieve the objectives of the study, and a questionnaire consisting of 36 items distributed over six dimensions was used, distributed to a sample of 221 principals and teachers.

Results of the study: The results showed that the overall score for the reality of practicing strategic vigilance among principals from the point of view of teachers and secondary school principals in Palestine is high, as the average response was 4.05and the score was high on all dimensions, and the highest was for the dimension of organizational vigilance with an arithmetic average of 4.09, while the lowest for the two dimensions legal vigilance and environmental vigilance with a mean of 4.01. There were no differences in the sample members’ estimates due to any of the study variables (gender, qualification, and number of years of service. The results also showed that there were statistically significant differences due to the job title variable and in favor of the school principal.

Conclusion: The study concluded the need to further strengthen the practice of strategic vigilance among secondary school principals in Palestine in its various dimensions and to focus on the two dimensions of legal vigilance, environmental vigilance. Granting more powers to school principals.

Author Biographies

Lubna Musa Abu Sarhan, Al-Quds University

PhD student

Ratib Salama Al-Saud, Jordan University



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How to Cite

Abu Sarhan, L. M., & Al-Saud, R. S. (2024). The Reality of Practicing Strategic Vigilance Among Principals from the Point of View of Teachers and Secondary School Principals in Palestine. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 15(45).

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