Reality of the Job Burnout Among Public School Teachers in Palestine from Their Perspective
Job burnout, teachers, public schoolsAbstract
Objective: The current study aims to identify the Reality of the Job Burnout among Public School Teachers in Palestine from Their Perspective, taking into account variables such as gender, academic qualification, years of service, directorate, and educational level.
Methods: The study adopted a mixed-methods of Quantitative and qualitative.
Result: The study results showed that the overall level of job burnout among public school teachers in Palestine from their perspective was moderate, with an average score of 2.65. The interview results also revealed a moderate level of job burnout. The study results indicated no statistically significant differences at a significance level of α<.05 on the job burnout scale and its domains attributed to the academic qualification variable, and no statistically significant differences were found according to the directorate and educational level variables, and their interaction. However, statistically significant differences were found at a significance level of α<.05 on the job burnout scale and its domains attributed to the gender variable, with differences in favor of males, and the years of service variable, with differences in favor of those with 6-10 years of service.
Conclusions: the study recommends the need to provide a healthy and safe work environment for teachers, with all the necessary elements to support the educational process and achieve its objectives.
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