Effectiveness of the Educational Supervision System in Palestine in light of Some Variables


  • Ayyoub Mousa Olyan Al-Quds University
  • Ratib Salama Al-Saud University of Jordan




Educational supervision, educational supervision system


Objective of the study: This study aims to identify the degree of effectiveness of the educational supervision system in Palestine and its relationship to some variables.

Study Methodology: The researchers followed the descriptive survey approach to achieve the objectives of the study, through a questionnaire that was distributed to the study sample, which consisted of 261 male and female supervisors, and 369 male and female managers.

Study Results: The results showed that the degree of effectiveness of the management of the educational supervision system in Palestine from the point of view of supervisors and school principals was high, and that there were statistically significant differences at the significance level (α =.05) attributed to the effect of the “job title” variable on the overall score among principals from On the one hand, and among educational supervisors on the other hand, it was in favor of the principals. The results also showed that there were no differences due to the “gender” variable and the “academic qualification” variable.

Conclusion: Focus on the necessity of the educational supervisor’s involvement with the school principal in analyzing the educational environment. Linking the necessary professional development for teachers to the implementation of educational programs. And developing the capabilities of teachers, as it must take into account the development of self-reflection skills in their educational performance.

Author Biographies

Ayyoub Mousa Olyan , Al-Quds University

PhD student

Ratib Salama Al-Saud, University of Jordan



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How to Cite

Olyan , A. M., & Al-Saud, R. S. (2024). Effectiveness of the Educational Supervision System in Palestine in light of Some Variables. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies, 15(45). https://doi.org/10.33977/1182-015-045-015

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