The Level of Awareness of the Environmental and Health Risks Caused by the Use of White Phosphorus in Wars among Palestinian University Students in Gaza Strip


  • د. تيسير محمود حسين نشوان
  • أ. هالة الحرازين


The Level of Awareness, Environmental and Health Risks, Use of White Phosphorus, Wars, Palestinian University Students, Gaza Strip


The study aimed to recognize the level of awareness of the Palestinian

university students in Gaza strip regarding the environmental and health risks

caused by using the white phosphorus in wars, and the effect of the variables

releated to: gender, university, specialization, GPA, and student’s studying

level. To achieve this goal, the two researchers designed awareness scale

of the environmental and health risks by using “Krathwohl method”, and

applied it to a random sample of (510) students from science, education and

arts faculties at Al- Aqsa, Al- Azhar and Islamic Universities in the Gaza Strip

in the second term of the academic year (2009- 2010) . After collecting and

analyzing the data, the results showed that the Level of students’ awareness

of environmental and health risks caused by using the white phosphorus in

wars is low, (31.24%) . The results also revealed that there are significant

differences among the student in awareness attributed to specialization and

(GPA) , but there are no significant differences among the students’ awareness

due to each of the variables: gender, university and study level.

In the light of these results, the study recommended to include some

universities requirements about the environmental and health risks of white

phosphorus and how to deal with these risks.



How to Cite

نشوان د. ت. م. ح., & الحرازين أ. ه. (2017). The Level of Awareness of the Environmental and Health Risks Caused by the Use of White Phosphorus in Wars among Palestinian University Students in Gaza Strip. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 2(28). Retrieved from

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