The Impact of Adopting English Language as the Language of Instruction on the Performance of the Students enrolled at the Accounting Department at An-Najah University


  • د. سامح مؤيد العطعوط
  • د. حاتم الكخن


Impact, English Language, Language of Instruction, Performance of the Students, Accounting Department, An-Najah University


The problem of the study lies in adoption of the English language as

the language of instruction at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative

Sciences at An- Najah University. The aim of the study was to evaluate

the experience of introducing English as the language of teaching at the

Accounting Department at An- Najah University. The study also tried to find

out the most important variables and factors before and during college stud,

which affect the performance of the students in the course titled “Principles

of Accounting I” which is taught in English. The researchers found that there

was no impact for the variables related to the place of the Tawjihi study, the

sex variable and the type of student’s study, lecture time or the academic

level on the performance of the students in the above mentioned accounting

course introduced in English for the first time. The researchers found that

the variables related to the academic background of the students, his English

level, student’s study style and the teaching style of the teacher have good

impact on the students’ performance in the accounting course.



How to Cite

العطعوط د. س. م., & الكخن د. ح. (2017). The Impact of Adopting English Language as the Language of Instruction on the Performance of the Students enrolled at the Accounting Department at An-Najah University. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 2(27). Retrieved from

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