Perspectives on Teaching Palestinian First Graders Reading in English: Teachers’ Experiences and Training


  • Omar Abu Al-Humos


Perspectives, Palestine, First Graders, Reading skills in English, Teachers’ Experiences and Training


The researcher investigated the Palestinian first grade EFLteachers’

experience and training with respect to their general level of education, academic

qualifications, years of teaching experience in addition to their competence in

the English language study skills: reading, writing and speaking as well as their

professional development regarding the child development theory, learning

theory and appraisal skills. The aim of the current study is to understand the

impact of the knowledge of the teachers on the Palestinian education system

preparedness to teach first graders to read in English. Questionnaires were

distributed to 50 public schools English language teachers of first graders in

the public school system to practice self- assessment in the areas mentioned

above. A significant number of teachers reported lack in training in the areas

mentioned above. Generally, teachers rated their education in these areas as

Good and Satisfactory. The researcher concluded that this significant number

who evaluated their training as satisfactory and weak need immediate training

as this training is viewed indispensible to their efficiency in EFL in particular

when teaching reading.



How to Cite

Abu Al-Humos, O. (2017). Perspectives on Teaching Palestinian First Graders Reading in English: Teachers’ Experiences and Training. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 2(26). Retrieved from

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