Misinformation in the Modern Day and the Methods to Counter it in Light of Sunnah and Quran


  • د. خالد محمد حمدي صميدة محمد جامعة حائل
  • د. إكرامي محمد محمد الشاذلي جامعة حائل


Wrong and right, Islam, misinformation, Sunnah, Quran, modern day


The struggle between wrong and right is one of the God’s ways in this life, continuing as long as the heavens and the earth remain. Both right and wrong have assistants and supporters. The supporters of rightful doings want to guide the nation to the right path. The supporters of wrong doings want to misguide the nation.  The Islamic World has been afflicted with having separated and different parties and groups who follow different paths and ideologies and aims. Some of them pretend to be guiding for the rightful doings, but in real, they are guiding for falsehood, influenced by foreign misguided ideology, and misinforming the Islamic communities. Thus, these parties target thoughts and use misguided ideology and misinformation rather than weapons, having a negative impact on Islamic communities.

Author Biographies

د. خالد محمد حمدي صميدة محمد, جامعة حائل

أستاذ مساعد

د. إكرامي محمد محمد الشاذلي, جامعة حائل

أستاذ مساعد



How to Cite

صميدة محمد د. خ. م. ح., & الشاذلي د. إ. م. م. (2018). Misinformation in the Modern Day and the Methods to Counter it in Light of Sunnah and Quran. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 2(43). Retrieved from https://journals.qou.edu/index.php/jrresstudy/article/view/1787

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