The Impact of Investment in Human Capital on Firms Competitiveness: The Case Study of Société des Mines de Phosphate, Somiphos , Tebessa, Algeria


  • أ. مليكة علاوه صالح مدفوني جامعة تبسة
  • أ. د. الشريف لخضر عبد الله بقه جامعة سطيف


Firm competitiveness, the investment in human capital.


The study aims to investigate the impact of the investment in human capital on the competitiveness of Somiphos company, which is located in the city of Tebessa, during the period 2005 to 2015. The investment in the human capital was expressed by human capital efficiency measure (HCE), and the competitiveness was measured by the indictors of profitability which is expressed by the return on assets ratio (ROA), and the sales growth rate (SGR),  by using two models of multiple regression. Their results were analyzed  by Eviews (V:7) program through the ordinary least squares method. The study found a significant positive impact relationship between the investment in human capital and the competitiveness of the Firm.

Author Biographies

أ. مليكة علاوه صالح مدفوني, جامعة تبسة

أستاذ مساعد –أ

أ. د. الشريف لخضر عبد الله بقه, جامعة سطيف

أستاذ التعليم العالي



How to Cite

مدفوني أ. م. ع. ص., & بقه أ. د. ا. ل. ع. ا. (2018). The Impact of Investment in Human Capital on Firms Competitiveness: The Case Study of Société des Mines de Phosphate, Somiphos , Tebessa, Algeria. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 2(43). Retrieved from

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