The effect of Apostasy -Alrida- when one of the spouses refrain from the marriage contract


  • د. بسام حسن محمد العف جامعة الأقصى
  • أ. يحيى أحمد جمعة الشامي باحث مستقل


Apostasy, the impact of Apostasy, repentance from Apostasy


This research is entitled “The effect of Apostasy  -Alrida- when one of the spousesrefrain from the marriage contract”.

It aims at knowing the relationship between husband and wife in case of finding what causes desertion from one of them, and when this contract is broken, immediately or after the end of the time given (limited) to the wife before separation.

And the effect of the repentance from deserting one’s religion on the contract.

The researchers came to the conclusion that the contract is broken after the end of the time given (limited) to the wife whether the apostasy is husband or wife. The guardian (The governor) must warn Muslims from falling into desertion through the orators of mosques and judicial courts.

Author Biography

د. بسام حسن محمد العف, جامعة الأقصى

أستاذ مساعد



How to Cite

العف د. ب. ح. م., & الشامي أ. ي. أ. ج. (2018). The effect of Apostasy -Alrida- when one of the spouses refrain from the marriage contract. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 1(45). Retrieved from

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