Ramla’s Geopolitical Importance During the Fatimid-Qarmati Conflict AH)356-469968-1077 AC/)


  • د. عبد الرؤوف أحمد عرسان جرار جامعة القدس المفتوحة


Palestine, Egypt, al-Ramla, Fatimids, Qarmati, Arab Tribes


Ramla is one of the important cities in Palestine. It was founded by Sulayman Ibn Abd al-Malik, brother of Caliph Walid Ibn Abd al-Malik, to be the administrative capital of the District of Palestine. Its importance lies in its strategic location as it connects the roads between the major cities in the region. The research presents the foundation of the city and the major events that occurred in it across different eras, focusing on its geopolitical importance during the Fatimid-Qarmati conflict, which took place throughout four centuries. During this conflict, Ramla was the center for the Qarmati armys and Arab tribes, which attacked the Fatimid government in several places, especially in the south of Palestine and Egypt. The Fatimid was defeated in many battels and its capital, Cairo, was almost destroyed. The Fatimid Caliph al-Muizz li-Dinillah was made to pay large amounts of money to the attackers in order for them to withdraw and leave Cairo. We provide a rational account of the major events in this conflict, which ended with the victory of the Fatimid and their control over the city of Ramla.


Author Biography

د. عبد الرؤوف أحمد عرسان جرار, جامعة القدس المفتوحة

أستاذ مشارك



How to Cite

عرسان جرار د. ع. ا. أ. (2020). Ramla’s Geopolitical Importance During the Fatimid-Qarmati Conflict AH)356-469968-1077 AC/). Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 1(51). Retrieved from https://journals.qou.edu/index.php/jrresstudy/article/view/2701

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