Developing an Instructiond Unit Based on Performance Tasks and its Impact on Reflective Thinking in Mathematics among Tenth Grade Students
Performance Tasks, Reflective Thinking, Analytical and Space Geometry, 10th grade.Abstract
This study is aimed to investigate the effect of using a developed unit based on the performance tasks in reflective thinking in mathematics among 10th grade basic education male students. The sample consisted of 52 students selected from the public basic educational schools in the northern Aghwar (Northern Jordan Valley) . The sample was distributed equally between two groups: An experimental group taught using the advanced unit based on performance tasks and a control group taught by the usual strategy. To achieve the study aim, the researchers developed the unit of Analytical and Space Geometry based on the performance task. The researcher also prepared a reflective thinking test where its validity and reliability were verified. The results of the study indicated that there were statistically significant differences at a = 0.05 between the means of the experimental and control groups in the reflective thinking for the experimental group. In light of the above results, the study proposed several recommendations, including the use of performance tasks in the curricula as a teaching method, not just as an evaluation method. The study also recommended conducting a study similar to the current study and its effect on other educational learning variables.
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