The Influence of Grammatical and Morphological Texture on the Significance of Injustice in the Holy Quran
Qur’an, Meaning, Syntax, Morphology, Injustice.Abstract
The research aims at clarifying the effect of the grammatical and morphological systems in the Qur’anic expression on the subject of injustice which was mentioned in 267 verses. The words indicating injustice were repeated 289 times in the aforementioned verses, and the methods of its expression were varied in a manner that calls for research on its secrets.
The research was divided into two parts. The first studies the ways of expressing the injustice of man to himself and denying the injustice of his creator to him and others. The second part studies the methods of expressing injustices, the consequences of injustice and intimidation of it.
One of the results was that the Qur’anic expression does not use the name of preference in depicting injustice except when injustice handles the rituals of God and the major sins that follow, such as slandering lies to God and prohibiting prayer in mosques, to indicate the severity of its ugliness.
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