Difficulties of Learning and Practicing the Profession of Social Work in Palestine from the Viewpoint of Social Workers and the Ways to Overcome Them





Social Work Profession, General Practice of Social Work, Social Workers, Difficulties of Learning the Profession of Social Work, Difficulties of Practicing the Profession of Social Work.


The purpose of this study is to explore the difficulties of learning and practicing the profession of social work in Palestine from the viewpoint of social workers. In order to achieve the objective of this study, the researcher applied a study tool after verifying its validity and reliability on a sample that consists of 80 social workers, selected from 12 social work institutions in the Gaza Strip, using the available sample method. The results showed that the medium level of the difficulties of learning and practicing the profession of social work is 62.5%. Additionally, the study showed six main observations. First, the difficulties in relation to the learning variable reached 68.6 %. Second, the difficulties in relation to the training variable are 67%. Furthermore, the third observation showed the difficulties in relation to the scientific research variable that reached61.58 %, and the fourth observation showed the difficulties in relation to the development variable, which reached 59.42%. The fifth observation indicated that the difficulties in relation to the employment variable are 55.84%. In contrast, the sixth observation revealed the methods to overcome these difficulties from the viewpoint of social workers, which is 59.2%. This included their needs for self-care programs, which amounted to 63.25%. It is done by conducting entertainment retreat days to bring them comfort and quiet. In addition, the necessity of universities’ communication with graduates in relation to employment and the development courses’ support reached 62.5%. It is also important to provide universities with specialized professors in social work (62%). Finally, the results indicated as well that social workers are in urgent need of continuous development and retreat days to develop their skills in the social work field.

Author Biography

عاطف حسنى العسولي | Atef Hosni Elasouly, Al-Quds Open University


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How to Cite

Atef Hosni Elasouly ع. ح. ا. |. (2021). Difficulties of Learning and Practicing the Profession of Social Work in Palestine from the Viewpoint of Social Workers and the Ways to Overcome Them. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 3(56). https://doi.org/10.33977/0507-000-056-008

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