Human Coexistence and Its Rectifiers in the Islamic Religion


  • أحمد فتحي قاسم Ahmad Fathi Qasem جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية



Coexistence, human coexistence, human dignity.


The research aims at pointing out the notion of human coexistence in Islam in light of the heterogeneity, which is a universal established Sunnah. As Allah said (``And if your Lord had willed, He could have made mankind one community; but they will not cease to differ. Except whom your Lord has given mercy، and for that He created them’’) (Hud: 118-119). The researcher adopted the descriptive analytical method. The method involves an analysis and some interpretations, which are based on deductive and inductive reasoning. The research problem is represented in answering the question: What is the concept of human coexistence and its components in the Islamic religion? The researcher explained the concept of human coexistence in the Islamic religion, and the most important components of coexistence which are human dignity, justice, freedom, and tolerance. By achieving these components, it is possible to achieve human coexistence between societies which are different in cultures, customs, and religions.
This requires the researcher to describe and analyze the notion of human coexistence and its foundations in Islam, and to deduct its implications. One of the major findings of this research was that Islam, being a comprehensive global massage, can accommodate the universe with all of its components. Islam calls for achieving coexistence between people and nations regardless of their different cultural, confessional, ethnic, and religious affiliations. It also calls for constructing common human values, which enhances the coexistence, cooperation, and interaction between humans. Islam also calls for the creation of the inclusive faculties by which goodness and public interest are achieved for the whole society. This can only be achieved by free will and the formulation of a system of common global values, which respects human dignity and which is also based on justice and disciplined and responsible freedom. The system must also respect the cultural and religious privacy of the people. It must also achieve cultural communication between people and nations regardless of their different cultural, confessional, ethnic, and religious affiliations. It must also fuel the notions of goodness and public interest for all the society. It must also be based on tolerance and meaningful and constructive dialogue. The system shouldn’t contradict with the provisions, texts, and rules of Islam.

Author Biography

أحمد فتحي قاسم Ahmad Fathi Qasem, جامعة البلقاء التطبيقية

محاضر مساعد


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How to Cite

Ahmad Fathi Qasem أ. ف. ق. (2021). Human Coexistence and Its Rectifiers in the Islamic Religion. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 3(58).

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