Society in Maqamat Alsaraqusti


  • رقيّة محمود حجازي | Roqaya Mahmoud Hijazi Zayed University



Al-Maqamat Al-Luzumiyyah, Al-Sarqusti, Society, Al-Kudiah.


The purpose of this study is to learn about the status of society with regard to al-Maqamat al-Luzumiyyah, which represents the Andalusian knowledge of the art of oriental al-Maqamat in the conventionality of the researcher. The study ended with several results, including: Al-Maqamat al-Luzumiyyah have preserved al-Kudiah theme in it, despite some opinions that the Andalusian society is empty of. The researcher attributed this to the fact that these al-Maqamat were written in an era that witnessed political and social transformations that have affected the Andalusian society, changed its features until its classes varied, and the dissimilarity expanded between its rich and poor. Al-Maqamat took an exhortation and anomalous narration as a means of begging, as a way to entreaty, and showed the position that the preachers reached in Andalusian society, and paved the way for the corruption of the judges who competed writers and novelists in that society, which led writers to occupy some of the low-down professions with which their status was degraded. Al-Maqamat also revealed the naivety of some groups in society, their attachment to the Conjurations, and described an aspect of the life of the Berber tribes.

Author Biography

رقيّة محمود حجازي | Roqaya Mahmoud Hijazi, Zayed University

Assistant Professor-Arabic Department

College of Education-Zayed University


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How to Cite

Roqaya Mahmoud Hijazi ر. م. ح. |. (2021). Society in Maqamat Alsaraqusti. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 3(56).

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