The Professional Competencies of the Teacher for Imam al-Ghazali - A Rooting Study


  • يحيى حمزة كبها | Yahia Hamze Kabha Al-Qasimi College



Imam al-Ghazali, balance of work, revival of religious sciences, types of competencies, teacher, professional competencies.


The study came to address the significant and noticeable deficiency in books specialized in the topic of the Islamic vision of the teacher’s professional competencies, and an attempt to fill the gap in research and studies on the subject of Islamic rooting for the human and social sciences in Arab universities. From this standpoint, the research study aimed to reveal the professional competencies of the teacher with Imam al-Ghazali, as it consisted of three studies. The first came under the title of Introducing Imam al-Ghazali and his two books: Balance of Work and Revival of the Sciences of Religion, while the second came under the title of the concept of teacher’s competencies and their personal, social, psychological, emotional and practical types. Finally, the study touched on the scientific and professional competencies and their Islamic rooting in its third and final topic. As the objectives of the study, it shed light on the definition of the term professional competencies and the qualities and conditions that must be provided by a teacher professionally, also, how Imam al-Ghazali expressed them in light of his two books. To achieve the objectives, the researcher used the descriptive approach. Analytical in addition to the descriptive, inductive, and deductive approach. Among the most important findings of the researcher in his study that the books of Islamic heritage occupied a fair space regarding the subject of teacher competencies and their types, and that Imam al-Ghazali referred to the topic of the teacher’s professional competencies in his two books: Balance of Work, and the Revival of the Sciences of Religion; and expressed it with the functions of the teacher. The study recommendations include that the colleges of education and departments of Islamic studies in Arab universities should work to teach the Islamic rooting course for the human and social sciences of Imam al-Ghazali and other Muslim philosophers, thinkers and scholars.


أولاً: المصادر والمراجع العربية

القرآن الكريم

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ثانياً: ترجمة المراجع العربية إلى اللغة الإنجليزية

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How to Cite

Yahia Hamze Kabha ي. ح. ك. |. (2021). The Professional Competencies of the Teacher for Imam al-Ghazali - A Rooting Study. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 3(56).

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