The Predictive Ability of Irrational Thoughts in the Distortion Body Image Disorder Among a Sample of Women Visiting Beauty Centers in Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate


  • محمود هارون النعيمات | Mahmud H. Alnaimat Mutah University
  • ميساء أحمد العبد الطريفي | Maysaa A. Al-Abed Altareefi AL-Quds Open University



irrational thoughts, body image dysmorphic disorder, beauty centers.


This study aimed to reveal the predictive ability of irrational thoughts in the distortion of body image disorder among a sample of women visiting beauty centers. The descriptive correlation approach was used on a sample of 153 women attending beauty centers in Ramallah and al-Bireh Governorate. The scale of irrational thoughts developed by al-Rihani and codified by Shaheen and Hamdi (2008) and the body image scale developed by Daraghmeh (2018) were applied to the sample. The results showed that the arithmetic mean of the study sample’s estimates on the scale of irrational thoughts as a whole reached 2.81 with an average rating. The arithmetic mean of the study sample estimates on the scale of body image dysmorphic disorder as a whole reached 2.52 with an average rating. There is a positive correlation with statistical significance between irrational thoughts and body image dysmorphic disorder, and the existence of predictive ability of irrational thoughts in predicting body image dysmorphic disorder that reached 215, which was positively negative.

Author Biographies

محمود هارون النعيمات | Mahmud H. Alnaimat, Mutah University

دكتوراه الارشاد النفسي والتربوي

ميساء أحمد العبد الطريفي | Maysaa A. Al-Abed Altareefi, AL-Quds Open University

ماجستير-الارشاد النفسي والتربوي


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How to Cite

Mahmud H. Alnaimat م. ه. ا. |, & Maysaa A. Al-Abed Altareefi م. أ. ا. ا. |. (2021). The Predictive Ability of Irrational Thoughts in the Distortion Body Image Disorder Among a Sample of Women Visiting Beauty Centers in Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 3(57).

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