The Impact of Heritage Stories on Developing Linguistic Skills and Strengthening the Value System


  • عثمان سالم بخيت قواقزه Othman Salem Qawqzeh الجامعة الأردنية



Fictional literature, heritage, skills, linguistics.


The research aims at studying fictional literature in heritage and its impact on the development of the linguistic structure with its various morphological, syntactic, and lexical patterns. It also aims at linking them to language skills such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening. In addition, It works at explaining its impact on the development of knowledge and values in the reader within an analytical and inductive approach. It focused on examples from three traditional folkloric stories: One Thousand and One Nights, Kalila and Dimna, and the exoticism of Bani Hilal. It concluded with a set of results: The fictional texts contain a tremendous lexical wealth that enriches the recipient’s linguistic dictionary and improves his/her performance in reading, writing, and speaking skills. Heritage literature plays an important role in grammatical structures, so the reader studies them functionally through texts. Heritage stories provide the reader with cognitive skills and positive values that are on the throne of literature, representing the mirror of peoples.

Author Biography

عثمان سالم بخيت قواقزه Othman Salem Qawqzeh, الجامعة الأردنية

أستاذ مساعد


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How to Cite

Othman Salem Qawqzeh ع. س. ب. ق. (2021). The Impact of Heritage Stories on Developing Linguistic Skills and Strengthening the Value System. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 3(58).

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