The Vision and the Artistic Formation in Abdur Rahman Moneefs Novels, (When we Left the Bridge) an Architype


  • أنور محمود الشَّعر Anwar Mahmood Al-Shaar الجامعة الأردنية



Moneef, bridge, narrative, discourse, vision


This study clarifies the novelist’s vision of life, man and events, and its relationship with the artistic formation of the novel. It explains the semantic indication of the title. The researcher demonstrates the two major supporting pillars of the novel formation; discourse formation, and news formation. The researcher chose this novel for study because its author has a significant contribution to the development of Arab narrative literature. The novel deals with a highly attractive narrative method, which addresses a personal problem that affects the whole nation. This problem is embodied in the wound that has been bleeding in the front of Arabic nation since the war of 1967. The writer employed artistic and linguistic techniques needed to express his vision such as symbols, dialogue, dream, remembrance, description, in addition to human and non-human characters. The novel witnesses a wide range of vulgar words of filthiness and indecency. The study concluded that our nation could not uprise and face defiance and obstacles unless we overcome our inner weakness and make the decision to cross over the bridge. Finally, the study will interpret the novel depending on the principles of social criticism.

Author Biography

أنور محمود الشَّعر Anwar Mahmood Al-Shaar, الجامعة الأردنية

أستاذ مساعد


قائمة المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

Anwar Mahmood Al-Shaar أ. م. ا. (2021). The Vision and the Artistic Formation in Abdur Rahman Moneefs Novels, (When we Left the Bridge) an Architype. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 3(58).

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