The Mirrors of the Self and the Other in the Book “1948”, Written by Yuram Knyuk: A Sample from the Zionist Literature


  • سوسن أحمد نبريصي Sawsan Ahmad Nabresi جامعة النجاح الوطنية



Zionist literature, The Palestinian image, The Jew’s image, Yuram Knyuk, The 1948 war


The researcher studied the mirrors of the self and the others in the book entitled “1948”, written by Yuram Knyuk. The researcher introduced the author and the book first, then revealed the Jew's view of the Palestinian during wars, of himself, and of the Jews coming to the war zone, in addition to Knyuk’s view of the war. Moreover, she revealed the status of both the Palestinian and the Jews during the 1948 war, where the author has stopped at.

Author Biography

سوسن أحمد نبريصي Sawsan Ahmad Nabresi, جامعة النجاح الوطنية

معهد تعليم العربية للناطقين بغيرها

أستاذة محاضرة



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How to Cite

Sawsan Ahmad Nabresi س. أ. ن. (2022). The Mirrors of the Self and the Other in the Book “1948”, Written by Yuram Knyuk: A Sample from the Zionist Literature. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 4(59).

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