Intertextuality Semiology of An Applied Study on the Titles of the Egyptian Modern Films 2000 - 2019


  • مدحت ربيع دردونة Madhat Rabee Dardona Al-Quds Open University



Semiology, intertextuality, titles, films


Semiotic studies have been dealing with the title in its semantic dimensions from a literary perspective, and since the title is a semiotic system of language, its study from a linguistic perspective and the statement of the role of language in the formation of the semiotic mark becomes very important, especially when the linguistic marks arise from the process of matching the new title with previous titles or sayings. This is what the researcher observed in the extrapolation of the titles of modern Egyptian films in the last two decades, and he studied them from a semiological perspective. It turned out that the vast majority of recent film titles had exceeded the title's assigned function and resorted to a coding process that had been coded in the earlier texts, which had been employed into a question as a key to accessing the work on which the title was. The researcher followed the descriptive-analytical approach and benefited from the results of the  stylistic linguistics and speech analysis methodology and the general linguistics at different analytical levels

Author Biography

مدحت ربيع دردونة Madhat Rabee Dardona, Al-Quds Open University

أستاذ مشارك في علوم اللغة والنحو


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المواقع الألكترونية

- ويكيبيديا، 2020. تاريخ الزيارة :15 / 1 / 2020م



How to Cite

Madhat Rabee Dardona م. ر. د. (2022). Intertextuality Semiology of An Applied Study on the Titles of the Egyptian Modern Films 2000 - 2019. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 4(59).

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