Honoring and Marginalizing of Writers A Sociological Approach to the Factors of Success and Failure in Ancient Arabic Literature





Sociology, Pierre Bourdieu, Abu Hayyan al-Tawhidi, Al-Hariri de Basra, Field, Conflict


Most Arab literary historians tend to cite the names of specific poems and writers. They exclude others, justifying their choice by the fact that most books of rhetoric and criticism preferred to study are masterpieces. However, this justification remains deficient because it does not determine the real factors behind the success of some writers and the marginalization of others.

Pierre Bourdieu’s sociology is a significant theoretical framework for studying the structure of all fields, including the field of literature. Bourdieu’s approach is distinguished by its structural character, which allows the dissection of society into several interactive fields. Moreover, this sociology studies each field according to precise laws to reveal the power and conflict factors that allow specific individuals to succeed or fail. Therefore, we choose this approach to study two important cases in ancient Arabic literature- Abu Hayyan al-Tawhidi and al-Hariri al-Basri- to reveal the factors behind the failure of the first case and the success of the second.


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قائمة المصادر العربية مترجمة

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How to Cite

Ait El Asri Adil bin Allal آ. ا. ع. ب. ع. (2022). Honoring and Marginalizing of Writers A Sociological Approach to the Factors of Success and Failure in Ancient Arabic Literature. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 4(59). https://doi.org/10.33977/0507-000-059-005

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