Deductive Practice of the Poetic Discourse: Interaction or Adaptation? The Presupposition in a Poem "In Jerusalem" by Tamim Al-Barghouti as a Model


  • Ibtissam Lemnouar Zarik جامعة محمد خيضر -بسكرة- الجزائر



Inference, practice, poetic discourse, interaction, adaptation, Analysis


The current study seeks to achieve a set of objectives, mainly revealing the implicit in al-Barghouti's poetic discourse by adopting an important pragmatic mechanism -one of the modern sciences- which is presupposition. Accordingly, the aim of this latter is to reach the purposes that the poet wants to deliver to others through inferential ways that contribute to achieving the desired aim and enable the addressee to introspect texts to reach the implicit saying. In this sense, the poem ''in Jerusalem'' by 'Tamim al-Barghouti had a big chance of being studied according to the presupposition issue/ mechanism by following the descriptive approach with reference to the analysis mechanism. Thus, this study has produced a set of significant results, and the most important is that: The poem carries meanings and overtones that make deductive practice possible, especially concerning diversity among the types of presupposition within the discourse, in addition to the sobriety of the poet's language by imitating the Palestinian lived reality which was reflected in the analysis and gave it other dimensions greatly contributing to discourse introspection and its exploration. This is what makes the poem a coherent and interactive structure with reality.

Author Biography

Ibtissam Lemnouar Zarik, جامعة محمد خيضر -بسكرة- الجزائر

أستاذة مشاركة

دكتوراه علوم اللسان العربي


أولاً: المصادر والمراجع العربية

القرآن الكريم

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How to Cite

Lemnouar Zarik, I. . (2022). Deductive Practice of the Poetic Discourse: Interaction or Adaptation? The Presupposition in a Poem "In Jerusalem" by Tamim Al-Barghouti as a Model. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 4(60).

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