The Status of the Cultural Heritage in Yemen: Risks, International Response and Protection Measures


  • ياسر هاشم الهياجي Yasser Hashem Alhiagi جامعة الملك سعود - المملكة العربية السعودية جامعة إب - اليمن



Cultural Heritage, Protection, Cultural Properties, Risks


This study aims to shed light on the risks to the cultural heritage in Yemen and the damage caused to it as a result of the political and armed conflict. It also aims to review the role played by UNESCO and international organizations and its response to protect the Yemeni cultural heritage, especially during this conflict. The study depends on the descriptive approach based on the analysis method, which helped collect the required data that shed light on the cultural heritage in Yemen, monitor the conditions and challenges facing the heritage, and provide appropriate proposals to ensure protection it in the future.

The study concluded that despite Yemen's diverse cultural heritage, it faces several problems due to the transformations and wars that were intensified in light of the internal war that affected all the elements of the cultural heritage. And the resulting destruction of heritage sites, including world heritage sites, in addition to the infringements, robberies, and looting facing the heritage by extremist groups or by international parties specialized in smuggling the heritage.

Author Biography

ياسر هاشم الهياجي Yasser Hashem Alhiagi, جامعة الملك سعود - المملكة العربية السعودية جامعة إب - اليمن

استاذ مساعد

قسم ادارة موارد التراث والإرشاد السياحي

كلية السياحة والآثار

جامغة الملك سعود



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How to Cite

Yasser Hashem Alhiagi ي. ه. ا. (2022). The Status of the Cultural Heritage in Yemen: Risks, International Response and Protection Measures. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 4(59).

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