Birds Embroidery on the Traditional Palestinian - Village Women's Dress A Comparative Study Between the Exotic and the Inherited


  • Mohammad Ahmad Mosleh The Ministry of Education



Embroidery, birds, the Palestinian dress


The study aimed to reveal the embroideries of inherited and exotic birds on the traditional Palestinian village women’s dress within the period of   1930 - 2020. The researcher followed the comparative approach which is suitable for the study objective. The study clarified the elements and units of embroidery in the dress, the distribution of birds’ embroideries on it, and the most important characteristics of inherited and exotic birds’ embroideries. The study results revealed that the traditional Palestinian dress was affected in general by DMC thread brochures that contain modern drawings from Europe in the beginning of the nineteenth century. They also presented theoretical and practical evidence that show the presence of exotic birds on the dress. Moreover, the results showed that the most important characteristics that distinguish inherited birds’ embroideries from the exotic birds’ ones through a detailed comparison between them. On the other hand, the study classified the embroidered clothes based on the inheritance and the exotic of the embroideries. The study included a set of suggestions and recommendations.

Author Biography

Mohammad Ahmad Mosleh, The Ministry of Education



المصادر والمراجع

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ثالثا: الأجنبية




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How to Cite

Mosleh, M. A. (2022). Birds Embroidery on the Traditional Palestinian - Village Women’s Dress A Comparative Study Between the Exotic and the Inherited. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 4(61).

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