The Official Egyptian Position on the Palestinian - Israeli Peace Negotiations 1987 - 1993


  • Diab Deeb Ahmad Taha University of Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdallah\
  • Muhammad Hatami University of Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdallah\



The Egyptian position, the Palestinian uprising, the Madrid Agreement, the Oslo Agreement


This research deals with the Egyptian position on the Israeli peace negotiations, which were launched thanks to the Egyptian efforts after the outbreak of the Palestinian Intifada, where I realized the need to find a settlement for the Palestinian - Israeli conflict in particular and for the     Arab - Israeli conflict in general, and to invest the events of the Intifada in reaching a political understanding that ends the state of tension in the region, especially after the increasing American interest in the region, and the conviction of the Egyptian option was born in the PLO after the fall of the Soviet Union and the outbreak of the events of the second Gulf War. From here the fact that the conflict must be resolved at the negotiating table; The Madrid talks were launched in 1991 to prove to the world that Arab and Palestinian representation is heading towards a just peace and its respect for international legitimacy, the year 1992 witnessed the continuation of the negotiation process through the holding of Washington rounds, which resulted in the signing of the Oslo Agreement in 1993 between the Israeli and Palestinian sides, with the Egyptian efforts and blessing.

Author Biographies

Diab Deeb Ahmad Taha, University of Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdallah\

PhD student

Muhammad Hatami, University of Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdallah\

Associate Professor


المصادر والمراجع العربية


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How to Cite

Taha, D. D. A., & Hatami, M. (2022). The Official Egyptian Position on the Palestinian - Israeli Peace Negotiations 1987 - 1993. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 4(61).

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