The Connotations of Miserliness in the Arabic language


  • Nayif Mohmmad Alnjadat Al- Balqa’ Applied University



Language, connotation, field, words, stinginess


This linguistic research with its semantic fields is based on the study of the words which indicate miserliness and collected in the book of Ibn Sayyidah.

The research aims to clarify the expressions that indicate miserliness in the Arabic language to describe the miser members in the society. These expressions comprised nearly forty words related to miserliness, and the main word is - miserliness - and the rest of the words indicate of the process of miserliness, or the characteristics of the miser, his appearance and the values related to being

It came in about forty words, the original of which is one word - miserliness - and the rest of the words were drawn to the field to indicate the process of miserliness, or the characteristics of the miser, his movement, and his appearance, or describing the low value of giving. The research required following the descriptive, inductive, and analytical approach. By presenting the words denoting miserliness as mentioned in the provision, and acting on them to clarify and analyze them. The research reached a number of results, most notably that some of the terms in this field were used metaphorically at first, and then settled to denote miserliness.

Author Biography

Nayif Mohmmad Alnjadat, Al- Balqa’ Applied University

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Alnjadat, N. M. (2023). The Connotations of Miserliness in the Arabic language. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 5(63).

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