Deconstruction and its Impact on Poetic Discourse The Poem (Ta’aleem Houryya) by Mahmoud Darwish as a Model
Deconstruction, poetic discourse, Jacques Derrida, structuralism, criticism, Mahmoud DarwishAbstract
This study is based on a set of frameworks and milestones derived from its main topic entitled “deconstruction and its impact on poetic discourse.” The importance of the research is based on analyzing the studied poetic text according to the methodological deconstruction foundations, which aim to analyze the constituent elements of poetic architecture in order to show the effect produced by this critical study. The study adopted two methodologies, the descriptive approach in its theoretical aspect and the deconstructive approach in its applied aspect. The research concluded with the most prominent results which stated that deconstruction called for the same principles of structuralism.
Deconstruction, for example, called for the death of the author and reading the literary work separated from its writer, as the era of the author came to an end and the era of the reader started. Deconstruction advocated by Jacques Derrida pays great attention to the text and its deep philosophical contents that are based within the textual architecture.
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