The Cosmic Audios of Imam al- Sawy -The Throne and the Chair - The Pen and the Tablet - Angels - As a Model
Audio, throne, chair, pen, al-Sawy, tabletAbstract
This study dealt with the universal acoustics of Imam Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Sawy. The study took some of these audios as an example such as the throne, the chair, the pen, and the tablet in order to identify the nature of these unseen issues, through Imam al-Sawy and his handling of them through his books, and analyzing them in the light of the books of the scholars. The verses indicate these audios and Imam Al-Sawy’s opinions about them were found. The study found that the throne is different from the chair and they are two creatures. God indicates His power and greatness, and the pen is the first of creation whose God commanded to write on the preserved tablet, which only God knows what was written on it, where the pen and the tablet are two great creatures that indicate the greatness of the Creator. It also became clear that the world of angels is a world that is forced to obey God. It is not charged, like the world of men and jinns, they do not disobey God as commanded and do what they are commanded to do. They have different functions, and they have the ability to form a non-vile. The researcher tried to address a scientific problem represented in knowing the opinions of al-Sawy in universal audio, which include the model of the throne and the chair, the pen and the tablet and the angels.
المصادر والمراجع العربية
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