Some of the Ancient Ways of Questioning Arabs, A Descriptive Study


  • Mohammad Basel Qadri An - Najah National University
  • Laith Maher Nees An - Najah National University



Arabs, listening, questioning


The research aims to derive a number of methods that linguists have followed in questioning the Bedouins to obtain answers from their mouths spontaneously, this makes the audible material in its purest linguistic form, as it considers the comprehensiveness of this audio and not being limited to what is called the “common” language.

Thus, the research reveals the amount of investigation spent in order to collect this material in its purest form, it also responds to some of what was said about the ancients about their collection of the “common” or standard language, it concludes with a number of conclusions; the most important of these is the diversity and comprehensiveness of accountability methods for linguists, and seize the opportunity to reveal every ambiguity in the language. Other results reveal the awareness of linguists of the importance of elucidating the linguistic material.

Author Biographies

Mohammad Basel Qadri, An - Najah National University

Master's student

Laith Maher Nees, An - Najah National University

Master's student


قائمة المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

Qadri, M. B., & Nees, L. M. (2022). Some of the Ancient Ways of Questioning Arabs, A Descriptive Study. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 4(61).

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