The Children's Arabic Applications on Android: An Analytical study


  • Abdallah Mahmoud Adway American International University



Applications, Android, Digital technologies, culture, Arab children


This study aims to analyze Arabic Android applications for children and to understand their reflections in educating the Arab child and enhancing his knowledge. In the age of technology, individuals in the Arab countries have been so connected with digital technologies, which have enhanced the personality, subjectivity, and interaction of the participants with unlimited cultures and environments. The Arab child, like any segment of society, was affected by these technologies and has become a target audience for companies and individuals to design such specialized products and applications which played a role in nurturing the cultural side of the Arab child. The study used the descriptive approach and the content analysis method for the Arabic Android applications on Google play, which are directed to the children in the Arabic language. The study concluded that the Arab children›s interest is important in Android applications specialized in teaching Arabic letters and games, while this interest is less in other applications, to record the lowest interest in cultural and educational applications. In addition to the weak orientation of children towards Arab applications in general compared to their foreign counterparts, this requires strengthening the Arab presence in the global culture: both quantity and quality, in order to preserve the Arab child, his culture and identity by providing effective applications that convince the child of their form and content.

Author Biography

Abdallah Mahmoud Adway, American International University

Associate Professor


قائمة المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

Adway, A. M. (2022). The Children’s Arabic Applications on Android: An Analytical study. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 4(61).

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