The Values Contained in the Verses of Knowledge in the Holy Qur’an


  • Abdullah Mohammed Nayef Wardat Ministry of Education



Values, verses of knowledge, the Holy Qur’an


 The study aimed to clarify the values ​​contained in the verses of science in the Holy Qur’an, through the use of the inductive, analytical, and deductive method. The results showed that these values ​​are of great importance, and have a special and great impact on the lives of Muslims. The study showed that these values ​​fall under three basic groups. The first group includes values ​​related to the scholar, while the second group includes values ​​related to the learner, and the third group has the values ​​related to the educational curriculum. Among the most prominent values related to the scholar are the values of the position of the people of knowledge, the value of the scholar’s job, the value of fearing God Almighty, the value of thanking God for the blessing of knowledge, and the value of working with knowledge. Among the most prominent values ​​related to the learner: the value of urging to seek knowledge, the value of politeness of the learner, and the value of patience in seeking knowledge. Among the most prominent values ​​related to the educational curriculum: the value of the source of the Book and the Sunnah for the educational curriculum, the value of the purpose of diversifying the educational curriculum, and the value of research in various sciences. In a way the study shows the scientific values ​​in the light of the Holy Qur’an, enabling students to benefit from them in their practical lives.

Author Biography

Abdullah Mohammed Nayef Wardat, Ministry of Education

Instuctor \ Ministry of Education \ Jordan


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How to Cite

Wardat, A. M. N. (2023). The Values Contained in the Verses of Knowledge in the Holy Qur’an. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 5(62).

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