The Poetics of the Pictorial Irony in the Poetry of Nasser al-Badri Diwan “La ma’a fi alnahr” as a Case Study
Contemporary Arabic literature, Irony, figurative irony, diwan la ma’a fi alnahr, Nasser al-BadriAbstract
The figurative irony is one of the most important terms of the contemporary Arab criticism, which aims to convey a reformist message in society, characterized by its traversal methods of poetry, and is often related to satirical and sarcastic images. The poet deliberately comes with ironies to attract the reader’s attention and take the speech out of the circle of the well-known style and make it evasive in the thumb in order to create a kind of intellectual dispersion, which in turn follows the arrival of the recipient to the implicit speech. Since paradox plays a major role in adding an aesthetic character to the poem, this study came through its analytical-descriptive approach to monitoring the aesthetics produced by the figurative paradox in the diwan of la ma’a fi alnahr by the Nasser al-Badri. In addition, we have concluded that the poet, through his creation of the unprecedented connotations, succeeded in employing most of the ironies set by Badri which were directed at the ruling regime and aimed at condemning it. On the other hand, the figurative irony contributed to the revival of the Arab and Islamic heritage in the recipient, by highlighting the contradiction that exists between the situation it was and the current situation.
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