The Media Discourse in the Poetry of Mansour Jassim Al-Shamsi A Descriptive and Analytical Study


  • Rasoul Hamdan Balavi Persian Gulf University
  • Ahmad Abdol-Imam Jaberi jaberi Persian Gulf University
  • Mohammad Javad Pourabed Persian Gulf University
  • Ali Hossein khezri Persian Gulf University



Media discourse, Mansour Al-Shamsi, contemporary poetry, Emirati poetry


The media discourse is manifested as one of the most prominent elements that are most present - if compared with other artistic features - in the poetry of Mansour Jassim al-Shamsi. This is what prompted us to take this topic as an introduction to study the manifestations of this artistic feature. The poet is keen in pioneering this field to bring the most accurate technical mechanisms in order to build bridges of communication and interdependence with the reader in the literary text.

In this research, we relied on the descriptive analytical approach, we decided to shed light on the most prominent expressive mechanisms in the poetry of the contemporary Emirati poet Mansour Jassim al-Shamsi in light of the media discourse. To achieve this, we relied on two collections of poetry from his literary works, the Diwan “anthology” of Sura wa Asrar (Movement in the night and secrets) and the Diwan “anthology” of mamalek al-Nakhla (the Kingdoms of the Palm). The anthology of ‘sura wa asrar’ consists of a poetic trilogy, entailing the solitudes of Mansour al-Shamsi and its stages, the heavens of a high-ranking woman in love, and hold on, take my hand…! It deals with a set of themes by employing many dualities in a poetic and prose language full of wild imagination and symbolic icons that form the dimensions of his artistic image. As for the anthology of mamalek al-Nakhla, it holds four poems between its two covers with titles: Kingdoms of Barajeel, Hymns of the Deserts, Kingdoms of al-Nahham and the Mirrors of the Sea, Dusk Before Crossing, the Kingdoms of the Palm, Scandal across his movement between the four kingdoms.

Author Biographies

Rasoul Hamdan Balavi, Persian Gulf University

Associate Professor

Ahmad Abdol-Imam Jaberi jaberi, Persian Gulf University

Ph.D. student

Mohammad Javad Pourabed, Persian Gulf University

Associate Professor

Ali Hossein khezri, Persian Gulf University

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Balavi, R. H., jaberi, A. A.-I. J., Pourabed, M. J., & khezri, A. H. (2023). The Media Discourse in the Poetry of Mansour Jassim Al-Shamsi A Descriptive and Analytical Study. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 5(63).

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