Syntactic Thinking in Nominal Sentences-Ibn al-Hajib's Explanation of al-Kafiya as an Example


  • Ahmed Suleiman Bsharat Al-Quds Open University



Rank, intentionality, nominatives, sufficient


Syntactic thinking rеfеrs to thе mеthod by which grammatical rulеs arе еstablishеd.

 Objectives: This study aims to:

  1. Knowing the effect of the nominative movement in dividing the sentence into predicates and clauses and their functional role.
  2. Identify the origin of Arabic sentences, and delete the predicate and the predicate
  3. Knowing the grammatical thinking according to Ibn al-Hajib in the book Sharh al-Radi ‘ala al-Kafiya.


The study adopted the descriptive analytical approach in studying the book al-Kafiya by Ibn al-Hajib.


The study found:

  1. The syntactic sign (nominative) carries the most noble meanings, and determines the purposes of the words in the Arabic sentence - the verbal and nominal sentences - and what is at their level. It has a role in presenting parts of the sentence, delaying it, and the functional aspect of it.
  2. The verbal Arabic sentence is a root from which the nominal sentence is derived, and its verbal factor (the verb) is stronger than the moral factor in the nominal sentence.
  3. The study revealed the genius of Ibn al-Hajib and the depth of his grammatical thinking.


The nominative movement divides the sentence into predicates and clauses, and the movements show the functional aspect of the vocabulary and its ranks

Author Biography

Ahmed Suleiman Bsharat, Al-Quds Open University

Associate Professor


قائمة المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

Bsharat, A. S. (2023). Syntactic Thinking in Nominal Sentences-Ibn al-Hajib’s Explanation of al-Kafiya as an Example. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 5(64).

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