The Position of the Arab Parties on the Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty Between (1977-1979)


  • Nour Mousa Ghssab Abu-Mshnnk University of Jordan
  • Ibrahim Faour Al-Shraah University of Jordan



Egypt, Camp David, Arab parties, Muhammad Anwar Sadat, Israel


This study aims to elucidate the unofficial Arab stance encapsulated in the partisan perspective regarding the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty from 1977 to 1979 AD. The culmination of this treaty played a significant role in the emergence of the Arab partisan movement on the Arab stage. It generated an unparalleled Arab upheaval that resonated deeply with the sentiments of Arab populations across various regions.

The significance of this study lies in its approach to examining the unofficial (popular) Arab viewpoint through a range of Arabic documents and diverse sources.

The author of this study tries to clarify the process of concluding the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty (1977-1979 AD) and to discern the Arab response at an informal level, specifically through the Arab partisan standpoint. This involves delineating the stances of political parties across their various factions. This will be achieved through a thorough examination, analysis, and scrutiny of relevant data.

The study identifies the emergence of the Arab opposition movement, which permeated the popular sentiment by manifesting itself in various forms. This was particularly evident in Arab political parties, many of which viewed Egyptian President Muhammad Anwar Sadat's initiative as a betrayal of the Palestinian cause, solidifying Israeli and American influence in the Arab region, and shattering the aspirations for the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Author Biographies

Nour Mousa Ghssab Abu-Mshnnk, University of Jordan

PhD student

Ibrahim Faour Al-Shraah, University of Jordan



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How to Cite

Abu-Mshnnk, N. M. G., & Al-Shraah, I. F. (2023). The Position of the Arab Parties on the Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty Between (1977-1979). Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 5(64).

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