Intellectual Deviation, the Reasons, the effects, the treatment in Holy Quran


  • Manar Nael Abdel Hadi Al-Assaf Ministry of Education



Holy Quran, Thoughts, deviations, Extremism


Objectives: This study aims to demonstrate the extent of the Holy Qur’an’s interest in building thought and its keenness to protect it from any influences. These verses in the Holy Quran build aciculums of facts faraway from deviation and study of myths. It treats the reasons deviation which make human deviation not just for person but for all society which threat Muslims and their security and thoughts in order to denigrate the fact of Islam which depend of the average thinking, feeling, behavior not allow and warning of violence and height or default dissolution of the duties that excuse Alwasatya Curriculum and moderation for both sides, Excessive duties its deviation which lead to bad things.

Methods: In my study, I have employed a descriptive approach based on analysis to examine and explain the causes of intellectual deviation and how the H In my study, I have employed a descriptive approach based on analysis to examine.

Results: I have reached explain the causes of intellectual deviation and how the Holy Qur’an addresses them through systematic, scientific principles. The Qur’an, free from falsehood, equips Muslims to confront misguided and deviant ideas, fortifying their sound thought. This fortification enables them to effectively counter any erroneous ideologies.oly Qur’an addresses them through systematic, scientific principles. The Qur’an, free from falsehood, equips Muslims to confront misguided and deviant ideas, fortifying their sound thought. This fortification enables them to effectively counter any erroneous ideologies.

Conclusions: The conclusion was that the Muslim is able to confront and fight deviant and misguided thoughts because he has built his sound thought and fortified it, and thus he has become able to confront any deviant thought. Keywords: The Holy Quran, Thought, Deviation, Extremism.

Author Biography

Manar Nael Abdel Hadi Al-Assaf, Ministry of Education



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How to Cite

Al-Assaf, M. N. A. H. (2024). Intellectual Deviation, the Reasons, the effects, the treatment in Holy Quran. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 6(65).

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