Efficiency of the Applied Electronic Education System in Special Education and how to develop it: Special Education Teachers perspectives /Ramallah district


  • Shaden Abu Liel Arab American University




Electronic Education System, special education teachers, e-learning, obstacles, communication challenges


Objectives: This study aimed to assess the practicality of integrating special education teachers into e-learning platforms, uncovering both its advantages and disadvantages, identifying employment obstacles, and proposing enhancement strategies from the perspective of special education teachers.

Methods: Employing a descriptive analytical approach, interviews were conducted with 20 educators from Al-Faisal, Al-Friends schools, and Ni'lin in the Ramallah area.

Results: Findings revealed a diversity of e-learning tools and methods, with notable applications including Adunation, Zoom, Team, and Google Classroom. Popular tools among teachers includededucational videos, PowerPoint presentations, audio recordings, and educational games aimed at skill enhancement. Additionally, social media, particularly YouTube, was lauded for its role in developing language and academic skills.Despite its potential, many teachers expressed reservations about e-learning's ability to address individual differences effectively due to the need for highly efficient programs.

Conclusions: The researcher recommends a question related to the reality of employing special education teachers fore-learning, and work must be done to prepare curricula that suit the nature ofe-learning and the nature of special education students.

Author Biography

Shaden Abu Liel, Arab American University

PhD Student


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How to Cite

Abu Liel, S. (2024). Efficiency of the Applied Electronic Education System in Special Education and how to develop it: Special Education Teachers perspectives /Ramallah district. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 6(65). https://doi.org/10.33977/0507-000-065-007

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