The Relationship Between Professional, Self-Care and Career Development for Social Workers in Palestine


  • Ahmed Mohammed Al Rantisi Dhofar University
  • Safa'a Ahmad Harb Islamic Universit, Gaza



Professional, self-care, career development, PLS-SEM, social workers, Palestine


Career development of the social worker is one of the pillars of human development which contributes with other professions and specializations in achieving goals.Thus, it is necessary to pay attention to two main aspects: self-care and professional development .The social workers who work for Palestine's social development directorates in the Gaza Strip were the subject of this article.

Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate the connection between social workers' professional growth, and self-care.

Methods: A purposeful sample of 84 social professionals from Palestine was gathered. The structural equation modeling method of partial least squares was applied PLS-SEM.

Results: The link between professional, self-care and career growth for social workers was examined using a few assumptions. This study supports the statistically significant link between social workers' professional, personal self-care and career advancement. Increased heights of SC lead to higher CD among social workers.

Conclusions: The research team believes that the directors of social development directorates in the Gaza Strip and the world should give great importance to the self-care and professionalism of social workers to achieve their career development. These findings can provide direction for directors of social development directorates to deal with social workers who lack professional and self-care services in their work.

Keywords: Professional, self-care, career development, PLS-SEM, social workers, Palestine.

Author Biographies

Ahmed Mohammed Al Rantisi, Dhofar University

Associate Professor

Safa'a Ahmad Harb, Islamic Universit, Gaza



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How to Cite

Al Rantisi, A. M., & Harb, S. A. (2024). The Relationship Between Professional, Self-Care and Career Development for Social Workers in Palestine. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 6(65).

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