Prisoners in the Palestinian literature are live models of resistance: Ali Al-Jaafari as a role model


  • Aziz Mahmoud Alassa Al-Quds University


Palestinian prisoners, the battle of the empty stomach, Ali Al-Jaafari


Palestinian prisoners constitute living examples of steadfastness, confrontation, and failure to break in the face of the jailer, who uses excessive force in oppression and torture.

Objectives: The study aimed to:

(1) Documenting the creativity of Palestinian prisoners in confronting the jailer, (2). Identifying the hunger strike - the battle of the empty stomach - as a method of resistance to the occupation. (3) Recognizing the high level of sacrifice of the Palestinian prisoner. (4) Identifying examples of prisoners-martyrs remaining in the Palestinian national memory, (5) Identifying how to place the sacrifices and struggles of prisoners within the context of resistance knowledge that contributes to self-liberation.

Methodology: The study adopted the descriptive analytical approach and text analysis in tracking the heroism of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli occupation prisons.

Results: The study concluded:

(1) The majority of previous generations of Palestinian prisoners are military combatants, who were captured, (2) The successive strikes in prisons took place under the slogans of dignity and the right to live in dignity in prison. (3) Prison literature emerged, which became an important and original part of the Palestinian national narrative.(4) Palestinian prisoners are living examples of resistance, especially those who died as martyrs in captivity. (5) All sources of the study focused on the martyr prisoner Ali Al-Jaafari, as a model of resistance and confrontation of the jailer.

Conclusion: The Palestinian prisoners are living examples of resistance and steadfastness in general. The study revealed that the “prisoner martyr Ali al-Jaafari” was the most prominent model and motivator of resistance among his companions.

Author Biography

Aziz Mahmoud Alassa, Al-Quds University



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How to Cite

Alassa, A. M. (2024). Prisoners in the Palestinian literature are live models of resistance: Ali Al-Jaafari as a role model. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 6(65). Retrieved from

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