The position of the Jordanian legislator in assessing compensation for literary damage


  • Mai Mashhoer AL-jazi ministry of justice
  • Walaa Abd- alminem Abu-Hlalah Civil Defense Directorate



Compensation, moral damage, expert, Jordanianjudiciary


Estimating compensation for moral damage is more difficult than estimating compensation for material damage because there are no certain specific criteria for estimating it. In addition, the goal of compensation is not always to restore the situation to what it was as much as it is aimed at granting the injured compensation to satisfy him equal to the damage he suffered, compensation is a judicial means to eliminate or mitigate the damage, and it is the general penalty for civil liability.

Objectives: This study aims to demonstrate the approach of the Jordanian legislator in estimating compensation for moral damage and the judicial position on this, the legal problems of this and the proposed methods in estimating compensation for moral damage,

Methods: Adopted the descriptive analytical method to identify a sufficient comprehensive characterization the topic under study.

Results: The results of this study showed that the Jordanian legislator in estimating compensation for moral damage was on two lines, the first is an estimate of a lump sum specified in legislation or a system, and the second is an estimate of a lump sum by an expert, also there is a fundamental problem, which is the absence of a legislative text that sets clear criteria for estimating compensation for literary damage, in order to find a proposed method for estimating compensation for literary damage.

Conclusion: The study concluded with a recommendation in which the researchers wished the legislator to find a legal regulation represented by legislative texts containing an objective criterion for adjusting the estimate of compensation and avoiding factual and legal problems, providing for a fair way in legislation to estimate compensation for moral damage.

Author Biographies

Mai Mashhoer AL-jazi, ministry of justice


Walaa Abd- alminem Abu-Hlalah, Civil Defense Directorate



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How to Cite

AL-jazi, M. M., & Abu-Hlalah, W. A.-. alminem. (2024). The position of the Jordanian legislator in assessing compensation for literary damage. Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Humanities and Social Studies, 6(65).

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